Thursday, September 27, 2012

Have You Hit a Wall in Your Education?

I'm trying to stay awake in class. (Post on tips to stay awake in class coming soon) .

I am pretty sure that the professor is speaking a different language.

My teammates are gabbing it up like a bunch of old ladies at a Relief Society brunch.

I'm hungry--for something. I can't exactly figure it out.

Sometimes you can hit a wall in class, and it's pretty hard to break through.

In times where you have no idea what's going on in class/the professor is ranting/ your teammates won't stop their yakking/every time you look at the clock it seems to go backwards, remember this:

“The best thing for being sad," replied Merlin, beginning to puff and blow, "is to learn something. That's the only thing that never fails. You may grow old and trembling in your anatomies, you may lie awake at night listening to the disorder of your veins, you may miss your only love, you may see the world about you devastated by evil lunatics, or know your honour trampled in the sewers of baser minds. There is only one thing for it then — to learn. Learn why the world wags and what wags it. That is the only thing which the mind can never exhaust, never alienate, never be tortured by, never fear or distrust, and never dream of regretting. Learning is the only thing for you. Look what a lot of things there are to learn.”
A wonderful, beautiful quote on why you should be ever seeking for education.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

25 of the Best Tech Sites to Follow

As a woman in business, it is important for you to stay up to date on the all of the current events. Because of my soft spot for technology, I compiled a list of the best tech sites to follow. Put 'em on your GoogleReader, etc. These are goodies. 

  1. Mashable: My favorite news handle. 
  2. CNET: Always one of the best news handles. 
  3. Apple Insider: Everything about Apple. 
  4. ReadWriteWeb: News on social media 
  5. Bits: Technology updates. 
  6. PC World: Product reviews and tech news. 
  7. Search Engine Land: All the news on search engines. 
  8. TechDirt: Provides information on important tech issues
  9. TheNextWeb: Provides news and views from tech writers around the world
  10. Venturebeat: Everything about Silicone Valley
  11. Slashdot: News that focuses on Linux and Open Souce
  12. Unwired View: News on wireless systems. 
  13. TheRegister: What the UK has to say about tech. 
  14. Technologizer: News on tech. 
  15. Techcrunch: The latest technology news. 
  16. Slashgear: Talks about gadgets and technology news. 
  17. Silicon Alley Insider: Talks about business and tech ideas. 
  18. Redmond Pie: Talks about iOS apps. 
  19. Pocket-Lint: Articles on gadgets. 
  20. Lifehacker: The best "how-to" articles.
  21. Inside Facebook: Find out what all the social media experts are saying. 
  22.  Intomobile: All news on mobile tech. 
  23.  I4U: All you ever wanted to know about gadgets and other stuff. 
  24.  Google Mobile Blog: If you love Android, this is the site to go to. 
  25.  Gizmodo: Want to find out more about tech consumer projects? 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Beat the Boring Lectures

Let's be real here: sometimes class can just be pretty boring.

Maybe it's because it's at night, or you are just ready for the day to be over, either way...checking out of class is probably one of the worst things that can happen.

You can be in class, but are you really listening? I'll be honest, this happened to me last night. I was armed with my diet Mt. Dew and popcorn, I was taking notes, and what we were talking about was really interesting. But then, it happened, I just totally checked out of class. When I realized, 20 minutes had passed, and I had no clue what we were talking about. If you are having problems staying engaged in class, here are some tips.

1. Sit in the front. One of the reasons I have a hard time paying attention is because my group is in the back corner of the class. If you are front and center, you'll have a much harder time dozing off.

2. Participate in class. If you are invested in the lecture, you will more likely stay engaged.

3. Caffeine is key. Take a drink with caffeine to class, you will be more alert, and if you hit a low, it will most likely be after your class is over.

4. Sleep more. Get more sleep the night before. Easier said than done though, right? If you find yourself falling asleep, make sure you start going to bed earlier.

5. Keep yourself cold. If you stay cold, you will have a much harder time falling asleep--trust me--I've tried.

6. Calculate how much your class is costing. I found out that one of my classes is about $100 an hour. Yikes! This motivated me to keep paying attention--I don't want to be losing out on $100 an hour!

These are just a few ways that have helped me stay awake in class--even though I was having troubles last night. I'll be better next class though!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Life Hack: 8 Tips to Being "Unfireable"

Often, your workplace isn't ideal. But, as the saying goes, “you've got to suck it up”. Even if you think you are the most unfortunate soul working in the worst workplace, you must remember, that hundreds of others would kill to get your job. Many might even think that they could do your job better than you. Do you think you are on thin ice? Is your company facing cut backs? In this day, you might never know when your last day is, but there are some measure you can take to becoming “unfireable”. Read on:

  1. Make the company money. Is there a way that you can do something and make money at the same time? Your company will think twice about letting go if they know that you can generate income.
  2. Cut costs. Do you have a cheaper way of doing something? Eliminate the middle man and save the company money. Managers will see that you can cut costs, and will keep you around when the company may be looking to cut jobs.
  3. Show up first, leave last. By showing that you are dedicated to your job, you show that you are not taking your job lightly. Employers will see that you are willing to put in the hard work.
  4. Stay out of the drama. As tempting as it might be, stay out of the drama at work. Most importantly, don't be the reason for drama. Don't be afraid to make friends at the office, but learn when too much is enough. Be friendly with everyone, and don't give anyone any reason to dislike you.
  5. Be a leader and a team player. Take the reigns when you need to, but understand when you need to place nice with the team. Employers will value someone that is more versatile.
  6. Don't take advantage of sick days. While there are days you just don't feel like going to work, tough it out. You don't want to be the one that everyone doubts when you say you stayed home because you were sick.
  7. Don't be afraid to do the grunt work. Often at work, there might be things that no one wants to do. Volunteer to do them, and you will be every company's dream employee. You will be a lot more valued as well.
  8. Learn new skills. When someone needs to train you on something, don't shy away from learning. You will make yourself more valuable if you have more skills.

Getting a job is hard work. It's all about having the right skills, personality, and timing required for the job. Once you get your job, don't get complacent, work hard to stay valuable to your company.