Monday, May 14, 2012

As a Woman Living in Utah

As a woman living in Utah [which is predominantly LDS], it can often get frustrating for women that want to solely focus on a career.

My brother just got called to Brazil (Porto Allegre) mission, and he is beyond excited. Sitting with my mom at church on Sunday, this was the majority of the conversations that took place between my mom and others:

Person: Congrats about Elan getting called to Brazil!

Mom: I know! It's so exciting!

Person: I'll bet! You have to plan a wedding and prepare a missionary!

Mom: Yes. It's going to be an exciting summer. And my daughter also got accepted into business school!

Person: Ah, well, that's nice. {awkward pause} So what temple is she getting married in?

Despite the fact that most people at my ward completely glossed over the fact that I am going to business school, I am the least bit perturbed. For many, the idea of business school doesn't fit into the plan of becoming a mother (which is the highest calling most LDS women could want).

However, just because it isn't thought about, doesn't mean it's wrong. Read this blog to see more about LDS women and business.

I believe that as a Mormon woman, you can have your cake and eat it too. You can focus on your career, and have a healthy, happy family. It's all about finding the balance in your life.

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